Ways To Give



Giving is a personal decision, and we welcome all gifts of
time, talent, or money, no matter the level.


ACH (Automatic Clearing House) Giving
Now Giving is Easier than Ever – Give your gift through automatic account transfer.

  1. Click here for the authorization form.
  2. Print it.
  3. Return filled in form to church office with a voided check.
  4. No more writing checks!

This is a reliable, safe way to conveniently put your stewardship plan into action. Because your gift is given consistently, there’s no need to worry about forgotten checkbooks or missed Sunday offerings. You can set up automatic deductions by calling the church office at (920) 893-3411 or printing the above authorization form.
Sunday Morning Offering
Each week we have an opportunity to give to the church’s ministry as a part of our worship. You can write a check to First Congregational UCC and place it in the offering plate when it is passed. You can also contribute cash; if you enclose the cash in an envelope with your name on it, your gift will be noted in your giving record.
Offering Envelopes: We can provide giving envelopes for your convenience, if you would like them.
Annual Pledge
Making a pledge is promising to give a specific amount of your financial resources to First Congregational United Church of Christ over the course of the calendar year.
Your Annual Pledge supports the mission and ministries of First Congregational UCC and enables the church to prepare an annual budget to fund our work each year.
Making a commitment is an important way to make the support of the church a priority in your life. If your situation changes during the year, you can change your pledge and giving as needed.
The Scrip being sold by the church is the same as gift cards you can purchase at many stores and restaurants. The only difference is that the profits from the sale of these cards goes to our church. Most of us love to find a “good deal” by shopping with coupons or watching for a great sale price. When you are shopping at your favorite store, taking the family to a special restaurant or just getting take-out at a fast food establishment you can earn money for our church by using the Scrip gift cards. That can turn a “good deal” into an even “better deal”.
The selection of Scrip gift cards varies as our ability to order cards for various stores changes. Please review the latest order form or inquire about Scrip availability for your favorite store or restaurant. We normally stock cards for stores and establishments that are purchased most frequently by members of our congregation, but cards are available for almost every national chain. If you anticipate major household projects or large purchases, we might be able to order cards in larger denominations.
Some people are able to “budget” their expenses by using scrip cards. At the beginning of the month they purchase cards for gasoline, groceries, restaurants, fast food or clothing that they expect to use for expenses during the month. If they do not use all of them, they save them for the next month or vacation when they may want to splurge.
Using scrip should be part of your daily stewardship as you purchase groceries, clothing, meals or gasoline. If we need to spend our money, it is a great feeling to know that our church is also earning money when we make our purchases with scrip gift cards.
For more information about our Scrip program, please click here.
REMEMBER: When you shop using Scrip Gift Cards, you are not just shopping—you are earning money for your church!
U.S. Mail
We are glad to accept checks by mail throughout the week. Just make the check payable to First Congregational UCC and mail to the church at P.O. Box 438 Plymouth, WI 53073-0438.
Planned Giving
Planned giving enables you to perpetuate your financial support for the church beyond your lifetime. You can give a gift that keeps on giving long after you are gone. We are glad to talk to you about how you can remember the church in ways that might help you now, and what to include in your will to accomplish what you want. Please call the church office at (920) 893-3411 to discuss further.
When it’s birthday or anniversary time for family and friends, do you know what to get the “person who has everything?” Make a Tribute contribution in honor of their special occasion or a memorial gift to recognize the memory of someone who touched your life.Certificates can be obtained in the church office if you would like to present a physical token of your gift.
Other Gifts
We are glad to work with you to identify other kinds of gifts that you may want to make. Please call the church office at (920) 893-3411 to discuss.